Working Papers
The Cost of Creation: Technology, Sampling and Lawsuits in Hip-Hop Music (with Shomar Lowe) - Abstract
Innovation of Pharmaceuticals: Does Public Research Bridge the Gap Between Private Supply and Public Demand? (with David Regan) - Abstract
Innovation of Pharmaceuticals: Does Public Research Bridge the Gap Between Private Supply and Public Demand? (with David Regan) - Abstract
Publications (Peer-reviewed)
Ceulemans, C., Ginsburgh, V., Prieto-Rodriguez, J., & Weyers, S. (2020). One hundred years of solitude: Bestsellers in the United States, 1900–1999. Poetics, 79, 101422.
Ceulemans, C., Ginsburgh V., & Legros P. (2011). Rock & Roll Bands, (In)complete Contracts and Creativity. American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings. 101(3), 217-221 .
Ceulemans, C. (2010). The reputation of Baroque composers 1790-2000. Empirical Studies of the Arts. 28, 223-242.
Ceulemans, C., & Ginsburgh V. (2007). A propos du répertoire des orchestres symphoniques belges de 1960 à 2005. Revue Belge de Musicologie. LXI, 225-238.
Ceulemans, C., Ginsburgh V., & Legros P. (2011). Rock & Roll Bands, (In)complete Contracts and Creativity. American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings. 101(3), 217-221 .
Ceulemans, C. (2010). The reputation of Baroque composers 1790-2000. Empirical Studies of the Arts. 28, 223-242.
Ceulemans, C., & Ginsburgh V. (2007). A propos du répertoire des orchestres symphoniques belges de 1960 à 2005. Revue Belge de Musicologie. LXI, 225-238.
Unpublished Paper
Ceulemans, C., & Detry, L. (2013). Does Music Matter in Pop Music? The Impact of Musical Characteristics on Commercial Success and Critics' Ratings, Manuscript.